Department of English Language

Department of English Language

تاریخ انتشار : Publish : نسخه قابل چاپ Print

  Social Science deals with the study of human societies, old and new, and their institutions. Attention is paid to the organization of jobs , people's private lives and those of their families.  Students take a look at how people rationalize their way through the social world as they see it, and how they try to implement various ways of coping with their surroundings.

  The Department of  Social Science  with the aim of education and research in all levels of  Social Science began its activities in 1990. This Department  offers undergraduate  programs in  Teacher Training of Social Science and Research Oriented Social Science leading to B.A. degree.

  At present , the department has 9 full-time faculty members who have graduated from different  universities in Iran. More than 320  students are currently enrolled in this department

  The Chairman of department is elected by faculty members' votes for two years

  Admission to this department is achieved through  a nationwide entrance examination held annually by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.