Mohammad javad Harati


Update: 2024-09-12

Mohammad javad Harati

Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences / Department of Political Science

Professional Service

  1. Vice President of the Commission for the Development of Quranic Research and Higher Education in the country 2022 → until now
  2. نماينده وزير در هيات امناي دانشگاه قرآن و حديث 2022 → until now
  3. Member of SAMT organization's policy council 2022 → until now
  4. Member of the Higher Education Development Counci 2022 → until now
  5. عضوت هيات ممميزه مشترك مراكز آموزشي و پژوهشي تهران و ديگر دانشگاه ها 2022 → until now
  6. عضو هيات اجرايي جذب دانشگاه تفرش 2022 → until now
  7. Vice President of Human Sciences Planning Commission 2022 → until now
  8. Deputy Minister of Minister of Science, Research and Technology IN Human Sciences affiare 2021 → until now
  9. Head of the Center for the Development of Quran Research and Higher Education 2021 → until now
  10. Member of the Higher Education Planning Council 2021 → until now
  11. Head of the Research Institute of Islamic Culture and Education 2019 → 2021
  12. دبير علمي و اجرايي همايش هاي مختلف در حوزه علوم انساني 2016 → until now
  13. سردبيري و مدير مسولي فصلنامه هاي علمي - پژوهشي 2015 → until now
  14. Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Humanities 2013 → 2015